

The presidents of the two countries greeted the forum participants in video addresses.

During the 11th Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions, governors updated the upper house speakers of the parliaments of Russia and Belarus on the progress in bilateral cooperation.

The Deputy Federation Council Speaker took part in a meeting of the Council of the Consortium of Education and Science Organisations.

The Russian parliamentary delegation concludes its working visit to Namibia.

School students from eight CIS countries honoured the memory of heroes fallen in the Great Patriotic War.

Valentina Matvienko invited women from the staff of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China to take part in the fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum.

The senator noted that the competition is becoming increasingly popular each year among foreign students and graduate students.

The First Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council chaired a meeting of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Senator took part in a coordination meeting of the CSTO heads of parliamentary delegations to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

Participants in a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs prioritised strategic stability issues.

A delegation from the relevant Federation Council Committee is on a visit to China.

The Parliamentary Commission on Investigating Crimes of the Kiev Regime against Underage Children presented its final report.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council took part in the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

 The BRICS Women’s Business Alliance session A New Starting Point was held at the SPIEF 2024.

The Deputy Federation Council Speaker met with the Governor of China’s Liaoning Province.

The meeting focused on bilateral relations and expanding cooperation.

Over 30 countries sent delegates to the BRICS Women’s Entrepreneurship Forum titled Shaping the Future Together.

The participants discussed measures to counter challenges and threats to collective security, as well as changes in the 2021–2025 Programme of CSTO PA Activities for the Convergence and Harmonisation of National Legislation of CSTO Member States.

The senator took part in the international hands-on seminar for young legal scholars, The Present and Future of the BRICS Legal Space.

In preparation for their upcoming visit to China, Russian senators met with the Chinese Ambassador to Russia.