

 The BRICS Women’s Business Alliance session A New Starting Point was held at the SPIEF 2024.

The Deputy Federation Council Speaker met with the Governor of China’s Liaoning Province.

The meeting focused on bilateral relations and expanding cooperation.

Over 30 countries sent delegates to the BRICS Women’s Entrepreneurship Forum titled Shaping the Future Together.

The participants discussed measures to counter challenges and threats to collective security, as well as changes in the 2021–2025 Programme of CSTO PA Activities for the Convergence and Harmonisation of National Legislation of CSTO Member States.

The senator took part in the international hands-on seminar for young legal scholars, The Present and Future of the BRICS Legal Space.

In preparation for their upcoming visit to China, Russian senators met with the Chinese Ambassador to Russia.

The development of science and technology is a key priority for BRICS countries, the Senator said.

Representatives of the Russian regions look forward to stepping up cooperation with their colleagues in Bahrain, Valentina Matvienko pointed out.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council wrote a message of condolences in the condolence book opened at the residence of the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic in Moscow on Wednesday.

Sheikh Abdul Malik bin Abdullah Al Khalili spoke about the development of bilateral relations and interparliamentary ties.

The Federation Council Speaker discussed ways to expand bilateral cooperation with Chairman of the State Council of Oman Sheikh Abdul Malik bin Abdullah Al Khalili.

Alexander Dvoinykh and Andrey Denisov spoke on pressing agenda items and held a number of bilateral meetings.

The officials continued the work to implement the agreements reached at the Russian-Cuban high-level meetings.

Russia’s upholds an unwavering position of principle on the Taiwan issue, Grigory Karasin pointed out.

A plenary session on the Women’s Outlook track took place on the first day of the 15th International Economic Forum in Kazan.

The Federation Council’s Deputy Speaker read out the Council Speaker’s address to the forum.

Members of parliament can promote counterterrorism efforts by adopting relevant legislation, the Senator said.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council met with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The Chair of the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy and Media Relations held a roundtable discussion on Russia’s capabilities in international crises.