


1971 – Mikhail Kalinin Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals (degree in metallurgic engineering)

1992 – Russian Management Academy (political scientist, advisor (expert) on socioeconomic matters and relations with public and political associations)

State awards:

1989 – Veteran of Labour medal

1992 – Order for Personal Courage

1993 – To the Protector of an Independent Russia medal

1995 – Order for Service to the Motherland, 4th Class

2000 – Order for Service to the Motherland, 3rd Class

2000 – Honorary title Merited Rescue Worker of the Russian Federation

2003 – Hero of the Russian Federation

2003 – Golden Star medal

2012 – Order of Honour

Academic degrees:

PhD in Political Science

Post before designation:

Part-time member of the Sixth Vologda Region Legislative Assembly


Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Yury Vorobyov:

1) coordinates the work of the Federation Council Committee on Defence and Security, issues instructions to it and oversees implementation;

2) provides for the interaction between the said Federation Council committee and other Federation Council committees when reviewing draft federal constitutional laws and draft federal laws in order to coordinate their positions within the Federation Council;

3) coordinates the work of the said Federation Council committee to prepare the review of matters within its field of competence during the Government Hour, held as part of Federation Council sittings;

 4) provides for the work of the Federation Council Commission in charge of overseeing the accuracy of information on incomes, property and liabilities filed by members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

5) within the Federation Council, oversees work related to mobilisation training and civil defence;

6) oversees the preparation and holding of the Road Safety for the Safety of Life international congress;

7) oversees the preparation and holding of the forum of Russian and Belarusian regions;

8) member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State of Russia and Belarus;

9) member of the Inter-Parliamentary Commission for Inter-Regional Cooperation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus;

10) provides for the interaction between the Federation Council and legislative (representative) and executive authorities of the constituent entities (regions) of the Russian Federation within the Central and Northwestern federal districts;

11) provides for the work of the Committee for Public Support to People Living in Southeastern Ukraine;

12) directs the operations of the Federation Council’s Council for Legislation on the Defence Industry and Military-Technical Cooperation;

13) interacts with Pobeda (Victory) Organising Committee;

14) provides for the implementation of the Agreement between the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation;

15) provides for the work of the Federation Council delegation as part of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation;

16) provides for the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia;

17) directs the operations of the Council for Social Protection of Military Personnel, Law Enforcement Staff and their Family Members affiliated to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In the absence of a corresponding directive from the Speaker of the Federation Council, in case of the temporary absence of the Speaker and First Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council, the following substitution order shall be observed (without the right to take personnel decisions): Yevgeny Bushmin – Yury Vorobyov – Iliyas Umakhanov – Galina Karelova.

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Vologda Region

Senators by region

Yury Vorobyov Yury Vorobyov
Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council
Oleg Kuvshinnikov Oleg Kuvshinnikov
Member of the Federation Council Committee on Agriculture and Food Policy and Environmental Management
Olga Danilova Olga Danilova
Member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy

The participants discussed measures to counter challenges and threats to collective security, as well as changes in the 2021–2025 Programme of CSTO PA Activities for the Convergence and Harmonisation of National Legislation of CSTO Member States.

The meeting took place in Irkutsk.