Matters falling within the jurisdiction of the Committee shall include:
- state policy in scientific, technical scientific, and innovative
regulation of the activities of state academies of sciences, research and educational centers, federal research centers, state research centers, science cities, state and non-profit funds to support scientific, research, technical, and innovative activities;
state policy in the legal protection of intellectual property and the use of intellectual property rights;
- the development of science-intensive technologies by scientific and educational institutions of all forms of ownership;
- state policy in education;
- the state Rules of Procedure of activities in general and professional
- the state Rules of Procedure of activities in continuing and additional
- the state Rules of Procedure of activities in training, retraining, and advanced training;
- the state support of students, educators, science, and culture;
- state policy in matters concerning culture;
- the preservation of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian
Federation as well as historical and cultural landscapes and monuments;
- the protection of cultural heritage sites of the peoples of the Russian
- the protection of copyright and related rights;
- the movement of cultural valuables;
- the activities of cultural and art institutions;
- the preservation and development of the Russian language and the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation;
- archival affairs;
- librarianship;
ensuring public control over the implementation of the plans of events held within the framework of the Decade of Childhood;
the upbringing, guardianship, and custody of minors;
- legislative support and monitoring of the implementation by the Russian
Federation of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the international treaties of the Russian Federation on improving the situation of children and protecting their rights, and interaction in this area with
international organizations and bodies;
- preliminary discussion of the issue of termination of the powers of a judge of the Intellectual Property Rights Court on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation.
First Deputy Chairs

Representative of the legislative (representative) authority of the Leningrad Region
Deputy Chairs

Representative of the legislative (representative) authority of the Smolensk Region

Representative of the legislative (representative) authority of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Representative of the legislative (representative) authority of the Republic of Mordovia