Matters falling within the jurisdiction of the Committee shall include:
- state social policy and social development;
- state youth policy;
- state policy in matters concerning physical education and sports;
- the creation and execution of budgets of state extra-budgetary funds;
- pension insurance and pension support for citizens;
- social insurance for citizens;
- labour and the employment of the population, income policy, and social
- the social security of citizens and social support for veterans and disabled
people, including adaptation and rehabilitation;
- social services for certain categories of citizens;
- state support for citizens in difficult life situations;
- state demographic policy and support for families, motherhood, fatherhood,
and childhood;
- state policy in matters concerning the health protection of citizens;
- the prevention of homelessness and neglect of minors;
- social aspects of migration policy;
- healthcare;
- health insurance;
- the manufacturing, circulation, and use of drugs and medical products;
- the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population;
- health and recreation areas and health resorts;
- state support for the activities of children’s, youth, and student
associations as well as public youth associations;
- state support for citizens from among young people in difficult life
- support for talented youth and career guidance for young people;
- the promotion of the activities of the Chamber of Young Legislators under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (as amended by Resolution No. 127-SF of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated 16 April 2014);
- the state policy in tourism, creating the legal foundations for the unified
tourism market of the Russian Federation, and identifying priority areas for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation;
- international cooperation in tourism;
- the development of physical education and sports, including grassroots
sports and high performance sports;
- state support for physical education and sports organizations;
- international cooperation in sports and the development of the Olympic
- preventing and combatting doping in sports;
socially oriented non-profit organizations engaged in activities in the field of social services, social support, and protection of citizens, health care, prevention and protection of citizens’ health, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture, and sports, medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation, social and labor reintegration of persons engaged in illegal consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, and promotion of labor mobility;
volunteerism in the areas of social support and protection of citizens, assistance in the protection of motherhood, childhood, and fatherhood, prevention and protection of citizens’ health, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture, and sports, including support for socially significant youth initiatives, projects, youth movement, and youth organizations;
social entrepreneurship.
First Deputy Chairs

Deputy Chairs
