
Grigory Karasin: Senators will promote action against neo-colonialism for interparliamentary agenda

Senators and experts discussed possible measures to secure Russia’s leadership in combating neo-colonialism.

The Federation Council Committee on International Affairs held a roundtable meeting on Russia’s role in de-colonisation and countering Western neo-colonialism, hosted by Deputy Chair of the Committee on International Affairs Andrey Klimov.

Chair of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Grigory Karasin and members of the committee Natalia Nikonorova and Viktor Kress also attended the event.

Grigory Karasin opened the roundtable meeting by noting that the collective West had been making attempts to impose the notorious “rules-based order” on the global community, which is essentially a neo-colonial model of international relations, with all decisions being ultimately made in Washington.

“The United States and its satellites are expanding their practice of illegitimate sanctions against sovereign countries, to restrict the economic development of their rivals. In these circumstances, completing de-colonisation and countering neo-colonialism remain highly relevant,” the parliament member stressed.

In his opinion, Russia’s contribution to liberating nations has not been forgotten. “We can see that through regular contacts with representatives of Asia, Africa and Latin America. The countries of the Global South have maintained partnerships and friendly links with Russia since the launch of the special military operation, resisting the attempts by the United States and its allies to isolate Russia.”

“It is important to maintain and strengthen positions that were achieved thanks to years-long efforts of Russian diplomacy,” Grigory Karasin stressed. He believes that our country, in cooperation with its friends and partners in the Global South, must take action to complete the demolition of Western colonial empires that continue to exist in the 21st century contrary to common sense.

Grigory Karasin also noted that in the past years, Western neo-colonialism had been pushed through such seemingly neutral issues as conservation and preservation of the environment. “The collective West is promoting a green agenda that benefits it specifically, imposing expensive environmental technologies on the Global South.” “International financial institutions play an important role in supporting neo-colonial practices. Former metropoles often preserve political, economic and even military leverage in their former colonies.”

“Russia and the countries of the global majority are actively developing its dialogue with foreign countries on the neo-colonial agenda at the inter-party level, through public associations and the expert community. We will steer our interparliamentary activities in the respective direction,” Grigory Karasin concluded.

Andrey Klimov reported on the main conclusions made during a forum against modern neo-colonial practices, For Freedom of Nations, that took place last February. The forum will be held every two years, and its organising committee has been transformed into a standing committee with powers until 2026.

Director of the Foreign Ministry’s Department of Foreign Policy Planning Alexey Drobinin presented the key report. Other speakers represented the expert community.

The roundtable meeting participants discussed possible measures that Russia can take to complete the process of de-colonisation, which include granting sovereignty to territories without self-governance, general approaches to countering the multidimensional phenomenon of Western neo-colonialism, and potential instruments to secure Russia’s leading position in combating neo-colonialism.