
Grigory Karasin: Russia has been and remains ready for strategic stability dialogue

Participants in a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs prioritised strategic stability issues.

Participants in a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs discussed issues of strategic stability in current geopolitical conditions and prospects for resuming multilateral dialogue, with due consideration for Russia’s national security interests. Members of the Federation Council Committee on Defence and Security helped organise the event.

Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Grigory Karasin recalled a meeting between the President of the Russian Federation and the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry. “The head of state made clear and detailed statements on how our country should uphold its strategic priorities and reaffirmed a desire to conduct talks in accordance with terms based on international law.”

Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Grigory Karasin noted that Russia had been and remained ready for dialogue on strategic stability. “Russia remains invariably committed to its foreign policy line. Despite our openness and readiness to hold talks and work towards attaining stability, the collective West has virtually set and is setting the goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia.” According to the Senator, the US-led West methodically conducts hostile actions against our country’s sovereignty, while violating legally binding agreements.

First Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov emphasised the fact that the foundation of the strategic stability concept had been laid down during the Soviet-American strategic arms limitation talks in the early 1970s. “The formation of a multipolar world and technological progress help expand the strategic security concept. Today, it is necessary to maintain high-quality multidimensional communications on strategic stability issues. It is necessary to conduct multi-layered talks, including those within the framework of parliamentary diplomacy and discussions involving representatives of academic circles.”

Senators of the Russian Federation, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and representatives of the expert community took part in the discussion.