
Grigory Karasin: Federation Council working effectively to strengthen cooperation with BRICS parliamentarians

The senator took part in the international hands-on seminar for young legal scholars, The Present and Future of the BRICS Legal Space.

Grigory Karasin, Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, took part, via videoconference, in the 19th international hands-on seminar for young legal scholars, The Present and Future of the BRICS Legal Space, which took place in Kazan.

The global situation remains tense, the senator noted. The collective West is trying to make the international community accept a rigid unipolar global architecture where all decisions are to be made in Washington.

“Suffice it to mention the illegal move, by the United States and its satellites, to freeze Russian assets worth $300 billion. The collective West is acting contrary to every fundamental principle and norm of international law, including the UN Charter,” Grigory Karasin stated.

According to him, the International Criminal Court has become a biased institution, which is being used as a tool to put pressure on Russia. Attempts are also being made to politicise the UN Secretariat and use it for the same purpose.

The Russian Federation is also under pressure on parliamentary platforms. “Western representatives are trying to prevent Russian parliamentary delegations from participating in international forums and parliamentary assemblies,” the senator said. “The anti-Russia resolutions adopted by the European Parliament and PACE are blatantly insulting. Russia made a decision to discontinue its Council of Europe membership due to the organisation’s anti-Russia bias.”

In these conditions, Grigory Karasin continued, Russia is vigorously expanding ties with its friends and partners representing the global majority. Cooperation is growing within BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

“Russia holds the rotating BRICS charmanship in 2024. The group saw an expansion this year, with several new members joining it, including influential Muslim states such as the UAE, Egypt and Iran. The Federation Council is working effectively to strengthen interaction with fellow parliamentarians from the BRICS countries,” the senator said.

Grigory Karasin mentioned a meeting of chairs of parliamentary foreign affairs committees from BRICS countries, which was successfully held last April. In July, St Petersburg will host the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum; preparations are currently in active progress.

“BRICS is the world’s largest supranational association in terms of the size of its economy. Therefore, the future of our shared legal space is a highly relevant issue for discussion, because we are going to continue expanding and strengthening cooperation with friendly states within the group,” Grigory Karasin said.

A number of Russian officials extended greetings to the participants in the event, including Director of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation Taliya Khabrieva, Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov, Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Andrey Klishas, and State Secretary of the Union State of Russia and Belarus Dmitry Mezentsev.