
Valentina Matvienko: Russia becoming more interested in diverse cooperation with Cuba

The Federation Council Speaker met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba.

Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba Manuel Marrero Cruz.

Attending the meeting were Deputy Federation Council Speaker Konstantin Kosachev; Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Grigory Karasin; Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Government and Northern Affairs, Head of the Federation Council Group for Cooperation with the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba Andrei Shevchenko; Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Agriculture and Food Policy and Environmental Management Alexander Dvoinykh, Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy Inna Svyatenko, and Deputy Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Lyudmila Skakovskaya.

“Russia has supported and will continue to support Cuba as its great friend and strategic partner. The creation of favourable conditions for the unconditional implementation of top-level agreements is among the most important priorities for members of parliament. We are satisfied with the level of our interparliamentary dialogue, an important component of interstate relations,” Valentina Matvienko said.

The Federation Council Speaker reaffirmed the parliament’s interest in advancing the entire range of Russian-Cuban ties.

“In today’s global conditions, we must search for ways of expanding our bilateral collaboration,” Valentina Matvienko noted.

In this connection, she noted that Russia’s regions were becoming more interested in expanding diverse ties with Cuba. “This is a reserve that can supplement our cooperation.”

Manuel Marrero Cruz assured Russian representatives that Cuba was interested in continuing and expanding interparliamentary ties, and he thanked the senators for their consistent efforts to support Cuba.

The Head of the Cuban Government condemned the Western sanctions against Russia, as well as attempts to isolate it internationally.

During the conversation, the Federation Council Speaker and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba exchanged opinions on economic, energy, trade, financial, investment and tourism issues.

The sides focused on Russian language studies and on training skilled personnel in various fields.