
Galina Karelova: Women contribute heavily to expanding and intensifying Russia’s partner relations with the Islamic world

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council took part in the 14th Russia – Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum.

Federation Council Deputy Speaker Galina Karelova attended two sessions of the Eurasian Women’s Forum Council held as part of the 14th Russia – Islamic World: KazanForum International Economic Forum. The main topics for discussion were international cooperation between the women of Russia and Muslim countries and health-saving technologies and innovations in healthcare.

The Senator noted that this year, sessions of the Eurasian Women’s Forum Council were held on the forum’s sidelines for the first time. “Not a single major international event can do without a female agenda. Our sessions have become a fixture at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum and the Eastern Economic Forum. Including the Women’s Outlook track in the programme of the Kazan Forum is yet another sign of recognition of the growing role of women in society and socioeconomic transformations,” the Deputy Speaker said.

During the session “International Cooperation between the Women of Russia and the Islamic World,” the Senator said that promoting cooperation with Islamic countries was one of Russia’s foreign policy priorities. She reminded her audience that this had been repeatedly noted by the President of the Russian Federation. According to Galina Karelova, women are doing a lot to expand and intensify partner relations.

In her remarks, she said that Russia’s cooperation with Muslim states had taken on a strategic dimension, as evidenced by the growth of trade and the proactive efforts by the Russia – Islamic World Strategic Vision Group.

“I think that women could join the Group’s work following the example of the W20 that exists in parallel with the G20. In the current conditions, the constructive role of women, including in business, is particularly relevant,” she commented.

Ms Karelova also expressed certainty that the dialogue on the sidelines of the forum would serve to further expand women’s cooperation in various fields, including the economy, digitalisation, the environment and healthcare.

The second session of the Eurasian Women’s Forum Council was dedicated to women’s involvement in efforts to protect public health, develop the healthcare system, create innovative models in disease prevention, and develop modern treatment and rehabilitation technologies. Both the Federation Council and the Eurasian Women’s Forum Council have prioritised healthcare for years.

Galina Karelova noted that the current challenges had set new directions in the healthcare system’s transformation. At the fore is the need to form a new prevention and rehabilitation paradigm, along with looking for effective organisational models and modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment.

She told the session participants about the Eurasian Women’s Forum Council’s current projects and commended women’s contribution to the development of national healthcare systems, including their efforts to devise innovative medical technologies, create advanced medicines, and introduce personalised medicine.

The Senator called for promoting women’s cooperation at all levels, including the international level. “It is my deep conviction that our states are united by a common goal, which is to build a healthy future for our citizens. This goal can only be reached in close cooperation. There should be no rivalry or political profiteering in matters related to protecting human lives and health,” the Deputy Speaker stressed.