Konstantin Kosachev

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Deputy speakers of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev and Inna Svyatenko are accompanying them during their time in the capital of the Russian Federation.

The Deputy Federation Council Speaker took part in a meeting of the Council of the Consortium of Education and Science Organisations.

School students from eight CIS countries honoured the memory of heroes fallen in the Great Patriotic War.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council took part in the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The Deputy Federation Council Speaker met with the Governor of China’s Liaoning Province.

The meeting focused on bilateral relations and expanding cooperation.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council wrote a message of condolences in the condolence book opened at the residence of the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic in Moscow on Wednesday.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council met with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The event takes place in St Petersburg on 23–25 April.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council met with the Ambassador of Bahrain to the Russian Federation.

The roundtable discussion was organised by the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

Russian parliamentarians participated in the work of the commissions on political affairs and international cooperation, on social policy and human rights, on agricultural policy, natural resources and the environment.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council met with Arab countries’ ambassadors accredited in Russia.

The Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council spoke at the opening of the 25th Vitaly Churkin Moscow International Model United Nations.

According to the Deputy Speaker, the written declaration was included in the list of official documents of the 148th IPU Assembly.

Participants in the 2nd Meeting of the Chairs of the Committees on International Affairs of BRICS Parliaments discussed the agenda for the upcoming 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum, scheduled to take place on 11–12 July in St Petersburg.

A number of bilateral meetings took place on the sidelines of the 148th IPU Assembly in Geneva.

The Senator addressed the plenary session of the 148th IPU Assembly.

Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Defence and Security Vladimir Bulavin and senators from the Federation Council’s Cooperation Group with the People’s Assembly of the Syrian Arab Republic took part in the conversation.

The Indonesian MP was in Russia to monitor the presidential election.